Forrest Bess
I fell upon watching "Antique Roadshow" one evening of slowing down to a normal day's red-light and I came upon this clip of a man and a woman talking about a painting. It was a simple painting, nothing that came out of the pages and slapped you in the face, but I admired it's simplicity and it's surrealistic tones. They said this painter, Forrest Bess, used to wake up after a mid-day nap and jot notes down in a small notebook, then go back to sleep. He was describing his own dreams. And his paintings are his conscious interpretations of his (while unconscious) dreams. I find that beautiful, inspiring, and simply great. I am very glad to have accidentally stumbled upon this artist.
I will probably never accidentally watch "Antique Roadshow" again.
I will probably never accidentally watch "Antique Roadshow" again.
And the clip from "Antiques Roadshow" here:
Watch Appraisal: Forrest Bess Oil Painting, ca. 1950 on PBS. See more from Antiques Roadshow.
Forrest Bess' website here.